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Akon and Akoin Partner with BitMinutes to Monetize Prepaid Minutes
Cryptocurrency Akoin aspires to build a token-based pan-African financial network, built on BitMinutes technology, to expand financial inclusion across Africa.
Akon and Akoin Partner with BitMinutes to Monetize Prepaid Minutes
Cryptocurrency Akoin aspires to build a token-based pan-African financial network, built on BitMinutes technology, to expand financial inclusion across Africa.
BitMinutes Works with Fundación Génesis Empresarial to Build a Process that Will Bring Financial Inclusion to Millions of Guatemalans
BitMinutes continues to work with Fundación Génesis Empresarial, the largest microfinance institution in Guatemala, to significantly expand financial inclusion in Guatemala by offering highly affordable digital financial services. Together, the two companies will...
BitMinutes Submits ‘Atomic Swap’ Patent Application
BitMinutes has submitted a patent for its proprietary Atomic Swap Mobile Wallet technology.
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