BitMinutes enables third-party developers to offer business models with significant advantages over Bitcoin: Lending Capabilities, Inherent Value, Price Stability and AML attributes

Expansion & Joint Venture Opportunities
As a result of the Internet, several multi-billion dollar companies were created by leveraging the power of direct, secure communication between individuals, thus disintermediating established industries. Skype and PayPal both aggregated large customer bases by offering free services in international calling and payment processing, respectively. Leveraging these same large, scalable Internet-centric attributes, BitMinutes enables third-party developers to offer business models with significant advantages over Bitcoin: Lending Capabilities, Inherent Value, Price Stability and AML attributes.
We provide turnkey solutions to drive the consumer financial services infrastructure in developing markets. This creates a lucrative opportunity for joint venture partners to take the lead with respect to modernization and delivery of next generation mobile FinTech. Our established Trusted Agent Network allows any partner to rapidly grow their retail footprint accelerating adoption, revenue growth, cost reductions, and job creation.
Joint Ventureship Structuring
BitMinutes provides a technology platform and free universal mobile wallets similar to, but better than Kenya’s MPesa (which accounts for over 60% of Kenya’s GDP). Our underlying wallet technologies coupled with our multi-country stable coin strategy opens a multitude of options for partners looking to purchase a tranche of BitMinutes or contribute capital in kind to target geographic market areas. Venture partners can leverage our existing Trusted Agent Network (TAN) as well as recruit and grow the network for extended reach. Local market regulations and compliance regimes are handled by our Venture partners to accelerate time-to-market and onboarding.

Multi-Country Stable Coin Strategy
Our multi-country payment ecosystem where BitMinutes (BMT) can become an electronic substitute for the country’s currency, or a ‘Country’ BMT can be revolutionary for many geographic targets and industries. With Country BMTs pegged 1:1 to local currencies (or 1:10 where currency values are very low), the Country BMT is easily understood as a digital currency and more easily adopted by the local populations. BitMinutes provide liquidity and therefore increase fluidity, velocity of money and use of value in several large global markets.
“Our exciting Multi-Country Stable Coin Strategy brings immediate financial inclusion to an entire country, ” said CEO Tom Meredith. “BitMinutes Inc. allows peer-to-peer value transfer to more than 1.2 billion bank and mobile accounts across 70 contracted countries, while our prepaid airtime top-ups are available to four billion mobile accounts in approximately 120 countries.”